Thursday, November 15, 2007

Obama: The Audacity of Hope

This interesting translated book was given by a best friend of mine who insisted that this was one of his inspiring books. It was edited from its original title and chapters to attract Indonesian reader; thus, the supposed to be title Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream is changed to From Jakarta to White House (Dari Jakarta Menuju Gedung Putih). An intrigued title indeed so that Indonesian readers have a basic unconscious assumption of sympathy with Obama’s book. The publisher has done a good job on marketing it, though they may not be aware of the effect of the reader’s sympathy.

The first chapter is about the world from Obama’s point of view. He described himself as a person born in a multicultural family yet having a firm heart for religion. He elaborates his arguments of USA role in the world and its connection especially with developing countries in Indonesia. He argues that US will certainly interfere with those countries policy since USA depends economically from others (a pretty courageous statement since there are many negative opinions on USA dominance). Nevertheless, he also stated that though USA will always interfere in world’s issue, USA should have interfere in giving the right (appropriate) help and not forcing a country to use the same formula as USA. One of the cases that he explore is USA expansion of Latin American country with different ideology. The regret of forcing them to use USA ideology that made many rebellions against USA is deeply implied in his writings. Accordingly, he argues that USA need stable allies that have the same objective of freedom, democracy, and law based government of that having the same voice of market economy. This type of ally militarily and economically will be absolutely lasts in a longer term than a group of colonialized countries (e.g. The Philipines) of USA imperialism.

In Iraq’s war in another case, he affirmed that he supports war, yet a war with a realistic and comprehensive planning, a very normative and political statement I say. He supported the argument that there was misleading information of 9/11 association with Iraq that guide to this war. His explicit statement is very aggravating because for me, I only believe in war for freedom and truth that only Muhammad did for jihad, and still Mahatma taught us to do peace demonstration or strike.

Despite our disagreement, several activities and experiences that he wrote made me evaluate him as an open-minded man with the bravery to be honest (a quality that not every politician has, especially in America). The writing style also corresponds the fact that he also embraced others differences and the world’s humanism.

He is a great man for sure, yet I never know how does a politician feel and thinks, since I always thought that politician is a profession that pleases everyone so that to have their disguised interest. Obviously, Obama has created hope to the world’s citizen of a ‘new’ America.

I’m craving for the opportunity to read Hillary’s autobiography, yet I have no intention reading Bush’s.

A note to me: How can you read about Obama while you haven’t read Muhammad and Soekarno?
I’m very a shame…Can anyone borrow me those books?


Ismail Al Anshori said...

Yes, you are right, there's a lot of disagree with his ideas,, but it's interesting to know that all that unique ideas come from an american politician like obama,,coz we all know well what kind of people the americans politicians is..
that book show us that it's still posible to be a good people in this age,,,

Kamojima said...

same here, I've read Ahmadinejad & Donald Trump, yet I haven't read Muhammad.

Read Ahmadinejad biography, IMO it's similar to Muhammad's. Coz he's his follower anyway.

Lucky said...

For Soekarno, read Cindy Adam's. the new edition (with revisions) is available in bookstores. Read also Bambang Widjanarko's (Soekarno's ajudan) for more personal view of him.
For Muhammad (PBUH): Haekal is good, really fair. Martin Lings also. Karen Armstrong's.
But no, sorry, I don't have any of those books, he33x. I also borrowed it...

Anonymous said...

just read Al-Qur'an i guess

gm said...

please join my magazine crew as a writer

Unknown said...

Why dont you left your email address or email me at we'll see about it

thanks for visiting my blog

Anonymous said...

If you are interested in USA 2008 election, you should to check Dr. Ron Paul, a republican candidate.

In my opinion he's the best candidate. If you follow his campaign, listen to his speeches, his ideas, and read about his biography. I think you'll find that he has all the quality that you admired in Obama, but BETTER, he has INTEGRITY, and he speaks the TRUTH!! not seeking for popularity, unlike any other politicians (even Obama, is still a "politician" in my eye, campaigning to gain popularity).

Maybe only a bunch of people in the world, know about Dr. Ron Paul, because the media is trying desperately to outcast him, because he speaks the truth. But he is the most popular candidate in Youtube! his view hits, and subscribers counts, far exceeding all other candidates combined, even Obama and Hillary.

I honestly believe that USA will be able restore respect from the world if Ron Paul is elected.

This is the quality that I look in a president, Indonesia can use one like him.

Ismail Al Anshori said...

I suggest u to read Mohammad Hatta.
I think he is the greatest Indonesian people ever!!

Anonymous said...

Read Muhammad an Authobiography by karen'll know western opnion about him..

Anonymous said...

Your trippin' gurl, the only reason America have a war with Iraq is because snake headed alien runs the oil bussines. Man, you read too much.

tiffatora said...

reading your blog made me feel that mine is totally rubbish, hehehehe.
nice writing, though i feel pretty dizzy, i dont really understand the words, hehehe, [maklum, otaknya pentium II]

keep it going. sip!