Monday, January 25, 2010

Restraint of Trade

Antitrust laws are controlling the openness of market and output expansion through competition. The law is a form of control that prevent monopoly, punishing cartels, and protecting competition. Monopoly can be established in many contract types, like assigned marketing territories, acqusition of market power, or supplies arrangements from the only producer; while cartels are price fixing, selective price cutting through conspiracy that make inefficient market.

I think all countries experience unfair competition in some products. Those products have high profit whilst low quality. Therefore, the existence of antitrust law and authority is essentially needed in each country. Indonesia's antitrust law is still in it's early-stage though many expectations lay upon the institution.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Why do people stay alive in an egosentric world?

Without question everyone in the world is a narcist, though with different level. It's ok to be narcist but egosentric is not allowed, some tell..what egosentric is?self-centered,selfish,and many other synonims with the word 'self' it is 'self' itself..

The feeling that other concern is not important, the act of being ignorant..currently people tend to be like seems that technology has become one of the biggest contributor..when I was in hk I saw that most of the middle age and teenager are preoccupied with their mobile bus,subway,restaurant,pedestrian..I tried to eavesdrop or just pass by while peeking..they are texting,twittering,facebooking,or called their friends to just gossiping..

I think this bunch missed a lot on their way..I saw many things than what they see through their screen..I saw elders sat on a park bench or entered the bus with shaky hand..some people wondering near restaurants with hungry stomach..or just talking with a stranger in a bus..

How can they live? I don't have any clue, can you help?