Monday, July 28, 2008

Creativity to Get Rid Boredom

After about 6 months not learning in classroom, I finally experienced the static and hours of learning in BI’s learning center. During sessions, I ask many things to my friend, that is a lecturer, about economics. Rather feeling insecure about this topic since I’m from engineering. The friend of mine, which is slightly old enough to be my lecturer but young-hearted, was very nice to teach many things through scrap papers. I were pretty excited about the next topic, statistics, which I knew about; yet, after the 2nd out of 8 day I was quite bored with the constant intonation of the lecturer. The lecturer was actually smart, but as most statistician I knew aren’t expressive J Me and my friend had a light talk about Personality Plus characters and after that the discussion continued through comic pictures. We took turn in drawing each story box and challenged each other by putting difficult story box to continue.

As you can see that I put several serious topic to talk to through comic’s writing, but we can’t help to tease each other. It was fun that we still laugh each other while listening to the lecturer. Obviously, creativity is useful to save us from being a sleepyhead. We’ll try other things to make us awake in class. Do you have any idea to have fun in class while listening to the lecturer?


Anonymous said...

maen catur jawa aja lo, hehe. atau mau gua kirimin kartu gapleh dari bandung?? hahaha. Jangan understimit gapleh,.. melatih pengambilan keputusan di waktu yang singkat dan di bawah tekanan, kekekek.
btw jangan ah,.. harus serius belajarnya,.. nasib indonesia di pundakmu! ciee.

Dare said...

Wah ga nyangka ternyata orang seperti lolita bisa bosan juga!!

Btw, bisa cerita ga gimana ortu kamu mendidik kamu, apa dulu sering dikasih tantangan untuk menghadapi masalah atau nilai2 apa aja yang ditanamkan ma kamu? Maaf kalau dirasa kurang sopan

Banyak orang di negara kita tuh tidak memiliki motivasi yg jelas dan hidup depresi sehingga kurang berkarya. Sering saya lihat orang sekitar mendidik anak dengan cara lama yang saya tahu akibat buruknya bagi sang anak, tapi saya juga tidak bisa memberi solusi mendidik anak yang baik karena memang belum berpengalaman. Saya cuma butuh referensi tentang perkembangan belajar agar nanti makin banyak anak-anak yang bisa berkarya. Tentu saja yang saya tanya yang saya tahu memiliki prestasi nyata seperti kamu, itupun kalau kamu berkenan memberi masukan. Thanks sebelumnya

Anonymous said...

that's very hard question, i never been feel fun when in the class, unless the lecturer is very attractive when she give a lesson...

oh wait, i think we can fun in the class but in one condition...we don't give attention to the lecturer :D even a single one, in that time we can filling with playing some games with a friend...and i guarantee you will not get the boredom and also the material from the lesson..hahaha

but that's better than get boredom and also blank with the the end, there is no win-win solution.


Anonymous said...

duh resolusinya tralu kecil, ga kebaca...

sampe salah baca 'birdie' jadi 'bernake' :O

btw 'kuro' klo bhs jepang artinya 'hitam' loh. Trus 'rab-rab' malah jadi inget 'Rabbi Cohen' yg dari Iran itu hahaha.