Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Computational Sociology

I think most of the people reading my blog have interest in ‘human’, human matters that are well-known in social issues like poverty or pop-culture development. Moreover, human matters have motivated several experts to form theories in human behavior that many of it are used to rule in our own society.

A research institute in Indonesia founded by several young prospective scientists has great concern in sociology and this is a tutorial about their works in computational sociology. This is a very resourceful and inspiring tutorial indeed to read and for whom interested in sociology please have the time to visit Bandung FE Institute website (

The tutorial is written basically in the following scheme:

Sociology = Social Interaction
Sociology is always discussing about the interaction among people that creates community dynamics. Many experts approached sociology to explain the motives of human interaction. Readers may recall theories like functionalism, social trade, structures, marxism, the control of conflict, and symbolical interaction. Accordingly, many neo-theories are based on their predecessors. Then, theories of sociology are modified, combined, or diminished according to the world’s relevancy and the opinion of new-aged philosophers, yet there is a captivating question; where do those theories come from?

Speculation Sociology
For many centuries, sociologist is also called philosopher, yet the philosopher terminology nowadays may have different meaning. Plato is a philosopher of the early centuries who observe community’s behavior (analyze), think about the motive-mechanism-effect, think (again) about the truth of his deduction by observing (again), and after that publicized his findings. With the on-going inventions of statistics or simulations (computational methodology) to test the truth of the deductions, is it still relevant to only think then deduce without proving? Philosopher (for me) is still an out-of-the box thinker, a contempt observer, and a social-sensitive person. Nevertheless, now it’s a new era, science has developed, and change is the only absolute thing; thus, sociologist must not developed theories by speculation. Speculation will only blur the truth and in effect will transform human life into badly chosen life (so, does Keynesian or Marxism ring a bell? :))

Sociology and Physics are the same…
Like many have considered sociology is full of many debatable aspects and those that wins in a debate is the one who have the strongest dialectics, plus I also thought that it is always contextual and very normative. However, computational sociology has made me believed that sociology is the same as physics, it is also science. Science produce theories from social phenomenon, need to be proved empirically, and renew by more accurate theories. The new concept of sociology eliminated my pessimistic opinion in the validity of sociology theories debates. Obviously, in the long term, sociologist (and hopefully us too) aren’t trapped by definitive debates that obstruct community’s understanding. Sociologist will be developing their theories by counterargument of proves against prove. (So do you really still think that the ‘invincible hand’ or socialism is still appropriate to be implemented? :))

Simulation or Statistics
There are many debates in using the method for sociology. Many economists also neo-sociologists use statistics, to find out correlation between variables yet seldom giving the direct causal relationship between it. Moreover, statistics also involved tight assumption that many real world data don’t comply to the method. On the other side, there is an emerging method of simulation in sociology. Simulation basically construct real world issue by capturing it’s mechanism through cause-effect relationship or if logics. Nevertheless, simulation gives the disadvantages of not finding the degree of correlation. The interesting part is ‘neo-simulation’ (please mind me, I make the term myself) is developing towards its integration with biology and physics, like neural network, genetic algorithm, and memetics.

Despite of the ongoing debates, based on my experience in Industrial Engineering department and Techno-Economics interest group, I believed that both must be used to find the pattern and explain the relationship. Both tools will give the benefit to comprehensively understand about the system and its behavior, so that experts can generate theories most suitable to the society. One thing that I most agree with the tutorials is the concept of KISS (KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!) hehe, if we get too involved IN the system then making it as simple as possible is very essential.

Computational Sociology
Computational sociology divided social system based on micro (individual) and macro (community/nation) level. One of the quotes from the tutorial is that ‘A simple micro pattern will emerge to a complex macro pattern’, that is why micro-modeling (or conceptualization) is fairly important for behavior study. Macro behaviors are mostly explained by macro-motives, yet never taking any account of micro-motives that is structured of the phenomena like the commodities-keeper during Ramadhan for price speculation. On the above picture, individual have decision system, behavioral psychology, and exchange theories that provoke each individual behavior or decision. Obviously, a simple reaction from each individual will correspond to the complex behavior of the macro level. The complexity of the macro level is characterized by social structure (the ‘how’ of every phenomenon in the study), like how does a vote occur in 2009 election, and social order, like how come GOLKAR may have higher vote in 2009 election influenced by the risk averse voters.

I believed that computational sociology will open a new path to applicable theory for the society; hence, giving more value to human interactions. Keynes theory of invincible hand and Marx theory of economic class absence have inspired several ideologies (though of its speculation thinking), yet its strength to create better society is still questionable. In a broader view, hopefully ideology like capitalism and communism that are developing in the society nowadays can be justified empirically (thus, truthfully) whether it’s good for the nation or those ideologies are implemented in certain boundaries.

Closing remarks..
I translated this section without major modifications (I like it very much)
Only a simple enclosing, the above picture can be a RABBIT or a DUCK depending from your point of view. We can construct social theory from any side of our main interest, yet it doesn’t mean that social theory is ANYTHING CAN BE TRUE because the picture is IMPOSSIBLE to be an object besides a RABBIT or a DUCK. By strict methodology and comprehensive definition, we can set whether it is a DUCK or a RABBIT, and which social theory is accepted or rejected….

PS. The tutorials are attractive, easy to read, and resourceful..highly recommended to read

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Obama: The Audacity of Hope

This interesting translated book was given by a best friend of mine who insisted that this was one of his inspiring books. It was edited from its original title and chapters to attract Indonesian reader; thus, the supposed to be title Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream is changed to From Jakarta to White House (Dari Jakarta Menuju Gedung Putih). An intrigued title indeed so that Indonesian readers have a basic unconscious assumption of sympathy with Obama’s book. The publisher has done a good job on marketing it, though they may not be aware of the effect of the reader’s sympathy.

The first chapter is about the world from Obama’s point of view. He described himself as a person born in a multicultural family yet having a firm heart for religion. He elaborates his arguments of USA role in the world and its connection especially with developing countries in Indonesia. He argues that US will certainly interfere with those countries policy since USA depends economically from others (a pretty courageous statement since there are many negative opinions on USA dominance). Nevertheless, he also stated that though USA will always interfere in world’s issue, USA should have interfere in giving the right (appropriate) help and not forcing a country to use the same formula as USA. One of the cases that he explore is USA expansion of Latin American country with different ideology. The regret of forcing them to use USA ideology that made many rebellions against USA is deeply implied in his writings. Accordingly, he argues that USA need stable allies that have the same objective of freedom, democracy, and law based government of that having the same voice of market economy. This type of ally militarily and economically will be absolutely lasts in a longer term than a group of colonialized countries (e.g. The Philipines) of USA imperialism.

In Iraq’s war in another case, he affirmed that he supports war, yet a war with a realistic and comprehensive planning, a very normative and political statement I say. He supported the argument that there was misleading information of 9/11 association with Iraq that guide to this war. His explicit statement is very aggravating because for me, I only believe in war for freedom and truth that only Muhammad did for jihad, and still Mahatma taught us to do peace demonstration or strike.

Despite our disagreement, several activities and experiences that he wrote made me evaluate him as an open-minded man with the bravery to be honest (a quality that not every politician has, especially in America). The writing style also corresponds the fact that he also embraced others differences and the world’s humanism.

He is a great man for sure, yet I never know how does a politician feel and thinks, since I always thought that politician is a profession that pleases everyone so that to have their disguised interest. Obviously, Obama has created hope to the world’s citizen of a ‘new’ America.

I’m craving for the opportunity to read Hillary’s autobiography, yet I have no intention reading Bush’s.

A note to me: How can you read about Obama while you haven’t read Muhammad and Soekarno?
I’m very a shame…Can anyone borrow me those books?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Local Autonomy

Local autonomy has been happily welcomed by many experts and regional government officials, which were declared to be in force at the beginning of January 2001. It would not be an exaggeration to describe the official confirmation of this celebrated system as like a dream, which became reality, for after 32 years of the very centralist New Order government, the introduction of local autonomy system had never been imagined before. The government aim to establish important principles like democracy, local empowerment, equity and justice, also obliging local diversity and potential[1]. The system establishment also proposes to reduce homogenization policies among variety regions which Indonesia has and to accommodate grassroots unsatisfied with the so-called centralistic absorbent of their natural resources.

Each region economic development is sustained by the state’s policy to explore local core industry; thus, various local industries are expected to improve according to each local government framework. Moreover, the structure established each region’s independency to profile unique economy based on its (human, culture, or mostly natural) resources. Industrial Department of Republic Indonesia defines the industry that prolongs each region as local core industry or what Porter identified as competitive advantage. It has ignites regions to have different economic development like in corn, tea, coffee bean, rattan, wood sculpture, etc. Local core industry offers each region to be focus in developing certain resources and to provide various investments for domestic or foreign investors. Investors will have the liberty to choose where to invest giving bigger probability for Indonesia to accelerate its economy and people’s equity of well-being.

One of the regions that have excelled in developing its local core industry is Gorontalo located in North Celebes surrounded mostly by ocean. Having a big potential in agriculture and maritime, Gorontalo choose to focus its local core industry in corn. Its leader from 2001-2011 (thx Elvin for the correction), Fadel Muhammad, also implemented an unusual management strategy of entrepreneurship unlike in most region governments’ bureaucracy. The local government commitment and integrity in developing corn as the core commodity has resulted in 2000 a 34.412 ha corn field increasing to 56.556 ha in 2003; so that, producing 245.284 ton. The community empowerment of corn production reflected on each harvest contributed 6 months farmers’ living cost, plus hybrid corn can be harvest 3 times a year. Nevertheless, Gorontalo’s corn production has not yet complies with domestic and international demand. Malaysia has frequently become consumer for the past years, followed by South Korea as another potential market in the following year challenging a ton corn per year. The region’s proximity with the ocean has become an advantage for the export transportation easiness. In the future the government campaigns to construct a local harbor; thus, can aid the increasing trade in the area. Furthermore, the local economic growth is most-likely to continue as the region’s plan to expand the production to corn processing will empowered the community to discover corn-based products like cosmetics, cattle-food, etc.

Gorontalo is the most-known province for its success in developing local core industry supported by the local government’s proactive policies. The success is real since the central government acts as a supervisor and supports with constructive policies, technology transfer, or knowledge sharing; and the local government has the vision and integrity towards local well-being and empowerment. Moreover, private companies and individuals are expected to contribute in this success by becoming investors or channels for local products distribution.

Local autonomy is a good incentive for regions to be creative in finding their local core industry. The local core industry will become a significant aspect to ensure the economic equity in Indonesia’s diverse regions. Obviously, more of Indonesia’s provinces delivering their new unique local core industry are yet to come, other regions like Gorontalo are emerging creating variety economic hubs of Republic Indonesia.
[1] Direktorat Jenderal Otonomi Daerah Republik Indonesia

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dear Chinese Government,

China has become one of the leading countries and supreme power, in political or economic aspect. Many experts conducted research on your country about the communist governmental system, the economic policy for labor wage and money market, the vision for accelerating education level, incentive policy for foreign investment, the political strategy in becoming a balanced power with USA, and so many others. Several experts in forums are discussing about you of becoming an opportunity or a threat. Several countries consider you as a market or a competitor or a field of investment or a supplier. Moreover, many have become a collective power to blockade your success.

You have proven to many country that every country has their own formula to gain economic growth, reduce poverty, and become influential global player. The communism system is a strong base for applying your strict policy, low labor salary, solid power in your area with strategic resources, and uncomplicated investment incentive in the seashore region; even though you suppressed new emerging aspiration for democracy, slaughtered people that shouted for reformation in the government system or gathered to get collective actions.
China is a burning engine, economically. The foreign investment has created abundant fuel needed to be managed carefully so that not creating excessive inflation. One of the alternatives for reducing the inflation rate is by buying the Fed papers, yet in the long term you created a portfolio in developing the mainland infrastructure for transportation and health and also a competitive education system. Your education system is spotted as one of the best system indicated by the world's ranking published by many institutions. Young scholars are urged to take their master or phd in USA or other country according to different specialties, so that they can come back to China and contribute by becoming a lecturer or researcher. This clever and courageous strategy in the long term will also gives benefit to China by attracting other country bright scholars to study in China; thus, opening opportunity for affecting other country's future leaders.

Indonesia as a developing country has a common resources like you, which is the Human resources, yet we dont have a powerful government that can lead the way for the society better life, in terms of education and health, equality of opportunity, and become an influential player in the global arena. We have many natural resources, but we kept on bullied by foreign investors. Many of our government officers dont have integrity that they corrupted our money, our nature, and our trust! We are a pack of intelligent people yet there arent enough or accommodative space that gives us to contribute more. Our universities were famous and declining from the worlds's top rank. We are rich in foreign investors, nevertheless their money is played in the money market and not in the real sector. If only we got a strong government like you, maybe we can be better. If only we have a strong believe in our own identity and not manipulated by IMF or international powerful organizations like you, maybe we can become a leader in South East Asia. If only we got a powerful leader that have great vision and the integrity that can change our nation like several leaders of yours, maybe our people will be proud having Indonesia nationality.

I have so many questions for you...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The forces of Individual Action

The Issue that I would like to address :

" The concept of 'Individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's bahavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making"

The concept of ‘individual responsibility’ is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people’s behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making.

People in the world have different task that corresponds to their behavior and decision. Nevertheless, activities are based on many experiences or cultural backgrounds that each individual uniquely has. The forces that are experiences, education level, community norms and rules, cultural background, and family condition are very influential to each people behavior, role, and manner in the community. Moreover, in several villages with strict norms, most people are controlled by the village law, such as in Padang, Indonesia that make the bride to pay certain amount of gold to marry the broom or in Javanese rites that forbid their children to marry people from other rite. In consequence, many actions in numerous areas are based on unlogical but relevant to each person backgrounds.

Before going further to describe the power that motivates people to have different actions, there is a big difference in responsibility depending on the the age or intelligence of each person. Normally, people with the age of older than 17 have bigger responsibility; yet, different country has different views on age. People with that age of 17 are allowed to drive having bigger risk of accident. Nevertheless, different country has different rules like in Finland that has a strict rule that individual starting from 21 year-old are allowed to drive, reflecting the degree of responsibility. Intelligence is one of the factors that influence the degree of responsibility. Logically, crazy people don’t have the opportunity to make their own decision. Moreover, the degree of education also influences the trust to decide something or becoming an example of certain behavior. Age and intellegince also correlated like in the case of in the age 17 people usually studies in college where provide them many opportunity to choose freely. As a result, the individual that has responsibility is in the age from 17 year-old and in a healthy phsycological condition.

Experiences are affecting every actions and behavior, like several height phobic behavior that is based on his/her experience of falling from high ground or his/her realtives accident from certain height. Many society tales are based on the elders experiences like not walking under that ladder is based on the experience that the ladder can be broken. Furthermore, family and education background are mainly influential on thrusting each person decision or behavior. One of the examples how education background affect individual’s way of thinking is between an artist with an engineer. An artist tend to design things esthaetically in the sense of beauty and harmony, yet an engineer design object based on it’s function so an engineer doesn’t care whether the object is solid unattractive thing as long as it can comply with the function of the object. Moreover, laws and norms are differentiating society in diverse areas, like between China that allows abortion because of the big number of population and Indonesia that uphold the Eastern culture and influenced mainly by Islamic rules forbid abortion except for the sake of the mother’s safety. Countless motives are forcing unique bahavior and action.

Inspite of the fact that many factors affected every decision and behavior, the spiritual concept of heaven and hell is definitely based on individual role in the community; therefore, each individual must be aware of the consequences. Moreover, laws are binding in the terms of individual, mostly. As a conclusion every individual despite of different or the invinsible hand that controls his/her behavior must realized that each behavior and action are affecting many people and can create bad or good consequences.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Can it become real ?

I dream people of Indonesia without lack of nutritious food.
I dream people of Indonesia with never-ending electrifying activity of neurons in their brain.

I'm a Maslow pyramid believer. In the bottom of the hierarchy, lies the basic need. All people can fulfill their basic needs; drinks milk 3 times a week minimum, eat chicken or meat almost everyday, loves to eat fish, and of course eat veggies everyday!! Nutritious food is one of the foundations to have a smart and healthy generation..

Not only food and health that related strongly with poverty but education is also an important aspect to consider. Like what I've defined before that I believe that there 2 kinds of poverty, physical and intelligence. Health and nutritious food is most connected with the physical poverty and education is a part of intelligence poverty.

Why does education is very important for alleviating poverty ? Higher education creates opportunity that is needed by most of the misfortunates. The opportunity is generated by several conditions, in school they meet inspiring people that can change the way they think and act or even gives a better job and salary or improve the way of thinking by reading lots of book!! I got many examples!! One of my friends gave scholarship for a high school student for his college in medicine. Now, he has become a successfull man and helped his family. If you watched Oprah Winfrey Show, you can see that education is very important!!How sad if I tell you that there are still many people that is illiterate, half of the world population is illiterate...and it's very sad!!!

Health and education are important...and how can we conduct this mega-project to give equality of opportunity? I believe the solution is EMPOWERMENT!! People must aware of this situation! and not just aware but ACT ACT ACT!!The governement has so many things to think about and we just cant rely on them...There are many success stories, Grameen Bank, Young Leaders Initiatives, Initiatives from Kalpataru Winners, etc...

Guys, just choose which social issues that you felt comfortable to ACT..after that start the initiatives!! only our initiatives..social empowerment can answer many social issues

Thank you very much guys for the comments...it tickled me to write the more detailed version, when I almost decide to stop :)

I really really appreciate it..

-still learning to write-

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Dreaming Indonesia without Poverty [Overview]

This writing is based on an interesting statistics that I found,
500 people at the top of the world's pay scale possess the same total wealth as the 416,000,000 people at the bottom of the scale
-2005 United Nations Human Development Report-

Unbelievable numbers!!(writers note: please dont believe in all of the statistics, those I present to you is just a prologue).. There is a simple question that arise complicated answer concerning the statistics,

How can we alleviate poverty ?

After several literature and day dreaming that I did :p, yet constrained with the capacity of a university student not-truly-sensing of the real situation outside the campus, I found there are two main approaches...

The misfortunates have 2 main problems,
  • First of all MOTIVATION...

They always think that they are meant to be poor and there arent any way to take the next step of ladder; they dont realize that there are so many examples of great people that take the chances and reach to the next level, what they must have is the revolution of their paradigm..thus, we, the fortunates, must oftenly interact with them; motivate, inspire, and urge them to open or take every chances!!!..take a further step..change their line of destiny..ikhtiar!!allahu akbar!!

  • Second, THE GREEN (now valuable) PAPER (money money money money money-like The Apprentice song :p)..

If they want to make their own business then they need enough capital, that reminds me, one of the people that creates a world-recognized system is Mohammad Yunus, with his famous micro-credit..using micro-credit, the people can help themselves, creating small business to cover their household expenses, and furthermore improves their health...giving micro-credit means giving them the chance to improve their lives. Nevertheless, entrusting an amount of money to them must be based on a well-established system of supervisory..The results are over-whelming in many places, Bangladesh, Honduras, and many others...each places has different characteristics, thus the credit system must adapt with the local culture..Moreover, the microcredit system is very strict since it gives low interest to the obligors; usually, if the loans are non performing for 2 consecutive months then the obligors cant get credits anymore, or usually requires a saving accounts of a certain amounts of their income...A strict system but with vision(I believe)

After breaking down into several problems of those misfortunate people have, then it comes to the two aspects or topics that interest me the most, having different effects on the poverty issue,

  • Direct effect : Entrepreneurship

It's not a subject that I really know, so I'll only write based on the social impacts..entrepreneurship doesnt really need any academic background..it needs the sense of business and hard work!!..by building a business then it will firstly affect their family, then hopefully affects others in the community by giving new jobs..the unemployed then has the energy to sustain and find a descent food and education...and it's not just that, when an entrepreneur is born then he/she will inspire others in his/her community; thus, creates other entrepreneur spirited by the predecessors success story...in this way the cycle of poverty will be broken...

  • Indirect effect : Education

My favourite subject, of course... I believe that education gives a systematic thinking and broader knowledge; yet, every people has their different stages and needs to satisfies the neurons in their brains..like Bill Gates, maybe he doesnt need academic input to become like he is right now...so everyone has it own starve of formal education...and education is not limited only in academic context or formal school; of course, education has broader meaning it's about drawing out our valuable potentials...education will change people, the way of thinking on many issues, creating dreams, etc...ok, like I said before that education is more systematic, involves curriculum, and designed by the experts, I will say that in this writing I eliminate the possibility of experts using curriculum as a way of indoctrinisation, thus, giving a thorough knowledge to the student with particular objective of study...

Yes, as you can see...there are so many options to alleviate poverty...after we identifies this step, then what should we do???..ACT!!!the 3 powerful letters but very difficult to do!!!start right now...choose your own path(like I prefer education than entrepreneurship), or maybe you have a different definition of the poverty root causes, yourself..but put your heart into it, when you found one..put your soul..since it's worthy to give and to pass it to others..

There are so many unfortunate people..when you are thinking that you cant give much, you are wrong!!...little that you give means alot to them!!! if you dont start it right now, then the inspiration will fade..cause just maybe by giving a penny for them, can be used for their food...or maybe abit smile and hug for them, can make them believe that there is always HOPE...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Physics Revolution (from mystical to realism)

written by Gerry van Klinken

This book refresh my thoughts in physics (a subject that I like :p), made me admire those GREAT scientist even more, and gives understanding on several important definitions. Moreover, the book present each great scientist inventions and ideas; and revolutions that connected those great thinker...

One of the things that i've just realized after reading that book is about the definition of a philosopher : I thought that a philosopher only thinks in the social manner..yet in that book I learned that from Plato until Aristoteles, those philosophers interpret the mechanism of nature in their logical way (even though most of it are influenced by the mystical way)...metaphysics so called, interest them the most...

It's marvellous how the book explain about the revolutions in physics.

  • The first time those philosophers thinks about physics is when they look at the sky (astronomy-a mystical subjects for the ancient people)...they tried to explain many phenomenon in astronomy; the stars, cloud, planets, and the milky way; you may have heard about the heliosentric theory of Copernicus. Copernicus is one of the milestones of physics revolution..He contributed many thoughts in astronomy, based on observations; such as, the earth is round since you can see a ship in the ocean from the top of the mountain, but you cant see it down in the valley..a logical conclusion based on a simple observation indeed...From the subject of wonders, astronomy, people became fanatics in pursuing the truth of nature...

  • The next revolution is based on the thoughts of Newton (I'm sorry I skip many great scientists, but I wanted to make it as short as possible, so it wont be so boring)..a GREAT GREAT philosopher!!!!!!!!!I really really admire this man!!!!!he explains many things and gives the platform of kynematics and dynamics in the modern science..he is a combination of a creative phillosopher and a brilliant mathematician..this combination has made him so popular; thus, so many people were influence by his thoughts and called Newtonian!!One of his biggest contribution is an equation of the Force with gravity and the connections with distance!!!!!!GOSH!!!!!GOSH!!!!!!!!he also creates simple theory in dynamics, about force, acceleration, action-reaction of forces....BRILLIANT!!!!!cant say much except those words (mind me, I have limited vocabulary)

  • Faraday is the next great philosoher!!!He made many experiments on electromagnetics...he tried to relates several forces (electrical, light, magnetics) and he succeeded...he found the connections!!!unfortunately he didnt found the relations between those forces with gravitation..he conducted many complicated experiments, for different phenomenon...his experiments and ideas are used by many scientists even until today

  • the biggest and my most favourite philosopher ever is Einstein (I even got a picture with him hihihi)!!!! OK, THIS GUY IS MAGNIFICENT!!!he is a philosopher, a pure one!!he seldom reads his predecessor's journals or thoughts but his ideas leaps beyond others!!He solve the debatable topic of eter and light!!debated topics by many of great scientists and he SOLVED it!!!!GOSH!!!!!!!GOSH!!!!SUBHANALLAH!!I wonder how did he found such magnificent imagination..

As you can see in the next photo, I took a picture with Einstein in Madamme Tussaud..hehe..looks like real right?

Physics has set and attracts many great people to think and innovate beyond others imagination..It try to reveals the secret of GOD!It tries to connect between each inventions (electric, magnetic, light, gravity, and so many others)..trying to find the ONE and ONLY secret and absolute formula of GOD!!...To discover the formula each scientists have different approaches, one tried to think and logically explain as a philosopher, while others tried to explain with empirical evidence, and the last approaches are done by the mathematician..All of it is sprited to find the TRUTH and complement each other...

In The Holy Koran there are 2 types of 'wahyu' (dont know the English), kauliyah and kauniyah...Many moslem believe in ALLAH when they read the Kauniyah sections..The Kauniyah section approaches the believer using the nature phenomena, like the process of pregnancy, the big bang, etc..In this point I believe that science is closer to the hand of ALLAH..and now I see the importance of developing science, other than as the engineering foundation

may ALLAH bless the people that seek the truth...

Lolita Moorena


Mind me guys..I'm being narcistic right now..

A friend of mine ask me (about 5 minutes ago) what does Lolita Moorena means ? so, now here I am excited, to write what does my father prays me to be (in Javanese culture : a name is the parent's prayers)...

My father adores a woman named Lolita Morena, a successful and beautiful woman indeed. She is Miss World and Miss Universe from switzerland and currently a celebrity and a presenter. A very enchanting woman with many talents, I guess. Because of admiring this pretty woman, he, my father, decided to named me after her!!hehehe He prays to have a daughter that has a successful carier and beauty like the original Lolita Morena...yep yep I hope I can make it come true, even though he did a corny modification with my Last name!!hahaha

Many people asked about this name, then with the spirit of puberty (at my senior high school) I searched several literature about Lolita and Moorena...I found several though, Lolita in sansekerta (ancient Javanese accent) means 'moving aroud'...(hehe yep yep I agree with this meaning since I cant stop doing many activities)...my friends usually laugh when they hear this meaning, they absolutely agree with it!!hehehe...

next word, Moorena...I was almost desperate to find the meaning...but coincidentally, a very best friend of mine, a phillipinos, told me the tagalog meaning of this word..in Tagalog, Morena means 'a beautiful girl' hehehe...very exciting!!hihihihi...so here here...another prayer from my father, accidentally, wishing to have a beautiful active girl..hehehe cool

some of you may have heard or read the definition in Oxford dictionary : ok that's not what my father meant...it's just a misconceptual interpretation caused by the Nabokov novel..and you know what, Nabokov actually didnt tell about a 'naughty' girl called Lolita..The morale is a woman can do anything for her lover, yet love is full of sacrifices...hehehe...(always look at the morale guys!!)

Nevertheless, many people uses the word Lolita in many uneducative ways...one of the examples is the websites of lolita.com...really misleads and creates a negative image..hiks..hate those websites!!let's banned them!!
as much as, I always wanted to banned those uneducative SINETRON (soap opera)!!

Anyone ever reads Nabokov's novel 'Lolita' ? please share it with me..

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Friendship (clarification)

an interesting topic to talk about..


like the definition in Wikipedia (an exciting in-human-languange-encyclopedia) that I found :
Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more humans. This article focuses on the notion specific to interpersonal relationships. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection.

I dont really agree with this Wikipedia definition (yep, since it's an opinion from some stranger) (anyone reading this blog, if you are a philosopher please do change this definition in Wikipedia)..I prefer affection...a considerate word for a relationship of humanbeings...an affection not to have but an affection that emerge based on mutual understanding and care..

A friend said that, family, love, & friendship is the feeling-driven topics..anything to do about those topics, then logics cant explain most of our actions...I do agree (esp. love :p)..I can always talk several hours in the phone with my best friend, going to Jatinangor just to talk with my bestfriend, mad at somebody that makes my bestfriend cry, cry instantenously when i heard about my bestfriends difficulties, or slap a boy face when I heard he is impolite to my bestfriend (hehehe yes, I've done this)...

But, maybe as most of the people that read this blog realized, that my life is full of ambition, I have many things to achieve and to think about...thus, I dont really have enough time with my friends...I dont have the time to go to the mall together, shopping, stayed together for the night, or doing girl stuff..And, I even have the problem of short-term memory of remembering my bestfriend's birthday!!!GOSH!!(I'm sorry, I think my bestfriends really know this character)...yep, I'm not an image of a good best friend ever in the world...In addition, my father taught me to be independent, if I can do it by myself then I'll do it by myself..I hate being too dependent to my friends, I dont know why, but it makes me feels weak...and I dont really want to be considers weak (except by my boyfriend, of course :p maaf ya sayang)...

I can only offer my best friend several simple things...
  • a shoulder, an ear, and a heart to comfort, hear, and suggest from deep down my heart when he/she cry
  • a hand to help if they needed it
  • a huge smile when I hear about he/she happiness

why does friendship has a deep meaning for me?...The answers are simple : Firstly,I'm the only child...I dont have any brother nor sister...I once said to my lecturer that I need my friends, since I learn alot from my community and they are my source of inspirations...Secondly, My Prophet Muhammad taught us to always uphold 'sillaturrahmi' (good relationship with others), since we cannot live alone...

May ALLAH gives the opportunity for me to become a better friend..Amiinn

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ganesha Prize

-under construction-

Monday, April 16, 2007

A contemplation in Hongkong

Jalan-jalan ke hongkong bener-bener ngebikin semuanya fresh!!!dari kegagalan di LKTI sampe achievement dari HYLI...

Selama ini gwa selalu dikejar ma pencapaian-pencapaian..tapi entah kenapa rasanya kosong aja, kaya ngga ada hikmah dibalik semuanya...dan perjalanan di Hongkong bener-bener bisa jadi titik balik...gwa ngereview semua yang udah tercapai, mencari hikmah disemua kejadian sambil ngeliat pemandangan Hongkong.. :) dan akhirnya gwa menyadari sesuatu...

ternyata quote 'keep reaching for the stars, but put your feet on the ground' tuh bener2 yang gwa butuhin...ngerasa kalo achievements tuh bener-bener bisa bikin sombong...padahal harusnya sesuai sama ilmu padi yang bilang makin berilmu-makin rendah hati...bener-bener baru sadar kalo gwa harus banyak evaluasi dan banyak beribadah...

Perjalanan ini akan selalu gwa ingat sebagai perjalanan penuh akan kontemplasi

Di Hongkong gwa jalam ma Achie(sepupu gwa) dari ujung ke ujung..motivasinya cuma satu!!nikmatin jalan-jalan kita tapi dengan jalan kaki!!!alhasil, setiap pulang ke motel selalu ngolesin balsem!!!hahaha soalnya kaki rasanya pegel-pegel, dan telapak gwa kapalan!!parah banget deh jalannya...
Hongkong udah maju banget...banyaj banget bangunan pencakar langit yang mereka bangun diatas lautan, public transportationnya juga udah sangat teratur, dan jalan-jalannya bersih bangeeeet!!!hehehe

Beda Indonesia ma Hongkong :
  • HK nga punya kekayaan alam sebanyak Indonesi, tapi pariwisatanya sangat-sangat maju..bahkan pariwisata HK tuh ngasih kontribusi terbesar ke anggaran pemerintah!!hebat banget!!..obyek-obyek wisatanya sangat teratur, fasilitas penunjangnya juga bagus...sedih banget kalo dibandingin ma Indonesia...
  • People in HK are cellphone addict...pusing banget gwa ngeliatnya...dari anak muda sampe orang tua, jalan keliling HK selalu sibuk ma cell phonenya...agak bingung juga harus sedih atau biasa aja ngeliatnya karena menurut gwa dengan mereka terlalu sibuk dgn hpnya mereka melewatkan kesempatannya untuk mengamati lingkungan, ngobrol ma orang yang ngga dikenal, dan ngelamun..hahaha pekerjaan yang selalu senang gwa lakukan!!!
  • Mobil disana mewah-mewah!!ngga ada yang tua gitu...mungkin efek dari kepatuhan mereka ma protokol kyoto, trus emang pajak barang mewahnya mahal bet!!..masa parkir 21,000 rupiah buat satu jam!!parah banget!! mobil emang bener-bener barang mewah disana...tapi memang sesuai ma fasilitas public transportation yang sangat bagus

Every journey has a different story

Bener-bener seneng...alhamdulillah banget dikasih kesempatan kesana...:) sebenernya gwa tertarik sama satu hal lagi...

di night market yang gwa kunjungi..gwa ketemu ma banyak banget orang ngomong bahasa Jawa...amazed banget waktu denger!!!ternyata banyak banget TKI disana..they look very happy and stylish..:) dan waktu sampe di bandara Soekarno-Hatta, gwa tersenyum simpul waktu baca 'Selamat Datang Pahlawan Devisa Negara'...Moga-moga gwa ada kesempatan untuk nulis tentang TKI lain kali..

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hitachi Young Leaders Initiatives

event internasional gwa yang pertama!!!deg2an, sempet minder juga...tapi alhamdulillah gwa dapet banyak banget pelajaran...dan tentu aja temen-temen yang sangat inspiring!!!hehehe

-pemimpin itu harus punya visi dan keinginan untuk memberi-
sebuah visi...karena seorang pemimpin harus memiliki tujuan hidup dan mengerti hakikat penciptaan dirinya

dari sebuah visi biasanya seorang pemimpin akan lebih kuat dan mampu menularkannya ke orang lain..

setelah itu, seorang pemimpin harus bisa ngaplikasikan semua daya nya untuk ngasih ke orang lain...karena hidup ini tidak pernah berguna kalo tidak bisa memberi..

-Indonesia sangat tertinggal-
tema hyli : empowering Asia as a responsible player,
sedangkan tema grup gwa : What China and India can do for Asia's Economic Development
many people thinks that Chindia is a threat!!Yes, I agree that it's a threat...but a threat can be a great opportunity...CHANGING THE PARADIGM:CHINDIA AS A POTENTIAL MARKET AND INVESTMENT!!hehehe...
emang pembahasannya mengarah kesana tapi akhirnya kebutuhan yang muncuk paling mendesak adalah integrating ASEAN countries...as a group we are powerful...
ASEAN will be the next flying geese!!! :)
I hope so, for the sake of the misfortunates..

HYLI ini emang bener2 ajang buat integrating ASEAN...ngumpulin talented young leaders around South East Asia..dan emang bener2 ngerasa kalo kita tuh deket banget..dan sampe sekarang masih sering email2an hehehe