Monday, July 9, 2007

Can it become real ?

I dream people of Indonesia without lack of nutritious food.
I dream people of Indonesia with never-ending electrifying activity of neurons in their brain.

I'm a Maslow pyramid believer. In the bottom of the hierarchy, lies the basic need. All people can fulfill their basic needs; drinks milk 3 times a week minimum, eat chicken or meat almost everyday, loves to eat fish, and of course eat veggies everyday!! Nutritious food is one of the foundations to have a smart and healthy generation..

Not only food and health that related strongly with poverty but education is also an important aspect to consider. Like what I've defined before that I believe that there 2 kinds of poverty, physical and intelligence. Health and nutritious food is most connected with the physical poverty and education is a part of intelligence poverty.

Why does education is very important for alleviating poverty ? Higher education creates opportunity that is needed by most of the misfortunates. The opportunity is generated by several conditions, in school they meet inspiring people that can change the way they think and act or even gives a better job and salary or improve the way of thinking by reading lots of book!! I got many examples!! One of my friends gave scholarship for a high school student for his college in medicine. Now, he has become a successfull man and helped his family. If you watched Oprah Winfrey Show, you can see that education is very important!!How sad if I tell you that there are still many people that is illiterate, half of the world population is illiterate...and it's very sad!!!

Health and education are important...and how can we conduct this mega-project to give equality of opportunity? I believe the solution is EMPOWERMENT!! People must aware of this situation! and not just aware but ACT ACT ACT!!The governement has so many things to think about and we just cant rely on them...There are many success stories, Grameen Bank, Young Leaders Initiatives, Initiatives from Kalpataru Winners, etc...

Guys, just choose which social issues that you felt comfortable to ACT..after that start the initiatives!! only our empowerment can answer many social issues

Thank you very much guys for the tickled me to write the more detailed version, when I almost decide to stop :)

I really really appreciate it..

-still learning to write-


Anonymous said...

I just hope there are more people like you in Indonesia.
I think Indonesia's problem is in 'pemerataan' (it is world's problem anyway). I don't really know how to solve it, but government policy plays important role here. Maybe they can make a policy such as give a big tax rate to those filthy rich people and the money can be used to create a real free school or something like that.

Keep writing and maybe you should write in Bahasa Indonesia sometimes so that more Indonesian people can be inspired from your writing. Cheers..

ddewa said...

YES IT CAN!! We just need to have faith and gather with other people who have same vision. Dont let present condition discourage n nullify our belief and idealism.

Anonymous said...

You can't do it alone.but You can start it alone by persuade your friends around.

It is possible, but we need time and effort. much time and much effort.

For the better Indonesia

Anonymous said...

I also Maslow Pyramid believer. But I also have another view. I feel that our principle will give us quick stepping from bottom level to upper level.
In Level 1, our God guidance tell us that there should be no worry about breath, food, water, and so on. Our God will satisfy them for us as long as we fulfil our duty for Him.
Then in Level 2, our believe in God, our trust to our family, our competence in work or business, our way of live, give us an ultimate safety feeling without any insurance paper.
Similar case for Level 3.
So, we should concentrate to our dual-duty to Him, to become slave of Him, and to be agent for "Rahmatan Lil Alamin", something that already in Level 4 & 5.

Unknown said...

I can't agree more Syafruddin

I watched Evan Almighty yesterday. A quote inspire me the most, "If you wanna change the world, just Act Random Kindness"

What do you say about that?

Anonymous said...

where there's a will, there's a way... that's what i think... the mongols under genghis khan established the largest land empire known in history, yet they haven't fulfil their basic needs completely... in this case, fulfiling needs seems to become a motive, not a background..
still, i remembered my lecturer said "each problem has their conditions, whether it's initial condition or boundary condition, from these conditions we can derive a solution, that can be applied to the problem"-to make it short let's say every problem has a unique solution...
*getting confused @_@ hehehehe*