Sunday, July 8, 2007

Dreaming Indonesia without Poverty [Overview]

This writing is based on an interesting statistics that I found,
500 people at the top of the world's pay scale possess the same total wealth as the 416,000,000 people at the bottom of the scale
-2005 United Nations Human Development Report-

Unbelievable numbers!!(writers note: please dont believe in all of the statistics, those I present to you is just a prologue).. There is a simple question that arise complicated answer concerning the statistics,

How can we alleviate poverty ?

After several literature and day dreaming that I did :p, yet constrained with the capacity of a university student not-truly-sensing of the real situation outside the campus, I found there are two main approaches...

The misfortunates have 2 main problems,
  • First of all MOTIVATION...

They always think that they are meant to be poor and there arent any way to take the next step of ladder; they dont realize that there are so many examples of great people that take the chances and reach to the next level, what they must have is the revolution of their paradigm..thus, we, the fortunates, must oftenly interact with them; motivate, inspire, and urge them to open or take every chances!!!..take a further step..change their line of destiny..ikhtiar!!allahu akbar!!

  • Second, THE GREEN (now valuable) PAPER (money money money money money-like The Apprentice song :p)..

If they want to make their own business then they need enough capital, that reminds me, one of the people that creates a world-recognized system is Mohammad Yunus, with his famous micro-credit..using micro-credit, the people can help themselves, creating small business to cover their household expenses, and furthermore improves their micro-credit means giving them the chance to improve their lives. Nevertheless, entrusting an amount of money to them must be based on a well-established system of supervisory..The results are over-whelming in many places, Bangladesh, Honduras, and many others...each places has different characteristics, thus the credit system must adapt with the local culture..Moreover, the microcredit system is very strict since it gives low interest to the obligors; usually, if the loans are non performing for 2 consecutive months then the obligors cant get credits anymore, or usually requires a saving accounts of a certain amounts of their income...A strict system but with vision(I believe)

After breaking down into several problems of those misfortunate people have, then it comes to the two aspects or topics that interest me the most, having different effects on the poverty issue,

  • Direct effect : Entrepreneurship

It's not a subject that I really know, so I'll only write based on the social impacts..entrepreneurship doesnt really need any academic needs the sense of business and hard work!! building a business then it will firstly affect their family, then hopefully affects others in the community by giving new jobs..the unemployed then has the energy to sustain and find a descent food and education...and it's not just that, when an entrepreneur is born then he/she will inspire others in his/her community; thus, creates other entrepreneur spirited by the predecessors success this way the cycle of poverty will be broken...

  • Indirect effect : Education

My favourite subject, of course... I believe that education gives a systematic thinking and broader knowledge; yet, every people has their different stages and needs to satisfies the neurons in their Bill Gates, maybe he doesnt need academic input to become like he is right everyone has it own starve of formal education...and education is not limited only in academic context or formal school; of course, education has broader meaning it's about drawing out our valuable will change people, the way of thinking on many issues, creating dreams, etc...ok, like I said before that education is more systematic, involves curriculum, and designed by the experts, I will say that in this writing I eliminate the possibility of experts using curriculum as a way of indoctrinisation, thus, giving a thorough knowledge to the student with particular objective of study...

Yes, as you can see...there are so many options to alleviate poverty...after we identifies this step, then what should we do???..ACT!!!the 3 powerful letters but very difficult to do!!!start right now...choose your own path(like I prefer education than entrepreneurship), or maybe you have a different definition of the poverty root causes, yourself..but put your heart into it, when you found one..put your soul..since it's worthy to give and to pass it to others..

There are so many unfortunate people..when you are thinking that you cant give much, you are wrong!!...little that you give means alot to them!!! if you dont start it right now, then the inspiration will fade..cause just maybe by giving a penny for them, can be used for their food...or maybe abit smile and hug for them, can make them believe that there is always HOPE...


Anonymous said...

How about defining "poverty" in the term of happiness instead of financial stuff like money ?..
Mmm..I believe it will result in bad statistically..
They're defined as poor people, but live happily with it, so what's the sense..
I would prefer seeing Indonesians live as happy people to seeing them as the riches..

Anonymous said...

u forgot one thing, it's politics..

politics is the most powerful factor to change everything..


Anonymous said...

Interesting comments these guys have. On the happiness index, you might be interested in looking up the Gross National Happiness (GNH) metric as well as the Happy Planet Index.

Politics-does it help us make things happen or stop us from changing things?

Anonymous said...

Alleviating poverty isn't about making people rich. It's about ensuring everyone can afford their primary needs and live their life without fearing they and their families won't survive the day.
As for politics, usually it's just a game played by people high up fighting for power. Lucky for us if they think helping alleviate poverty will help them win...

I think the people need a role model they can follow, in terms of motivation and attitude, who can also inspire them and reignite the spark in their souls, which has been extinguished by the harsh realities of life (oops, I'm being poetic :-P)

Anonymous said...

Alleviating poverty isn't about making people rich. It's about ensuring everyone can afford their primary needs and live their life without fearing they and their families won't survive the day.
As for politics, usually it's just a game played by people high up fighting for power. Lucky for us if they think helping alleviate poverty will help them win...

I think the people need a role model they can follow, in terms of motivation and attitude, who can also inspire them and reignite the spark in their souls, which has been extinguished by the harsh realities of life (oops, I'm being poetic :-P)

Anonymous said...

surely these simple things you suggested can be applied and perhaps work. but lets take into account Indonesia's long history of corruption and nepotism. all that along with US corporate sharks setting up sweatshops and thus, keeping us as very low income labors. these are all corroding core issues that contribute to Indonesia's current economic state. when one analyzes all that aspects, the issue of poverty is no longer a solvable problem of, as you call them, the misfortunates. who knows, perhaps a hug actually helps?

Anonymous said...


poverty, a big problem that i thought will never be over. i just see it as a simple matter, all things in this world are created in balance, if there are someone who are very rich, then at another place, there should be somebody living in poverty.
but anyway, that's a good opinions.

Anonymous said...

"The most important human endeavor is striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to our lives"

Albert Einstein (1875-1955)

Its seems rather odd, he who propose the use of nuclear as mass destruction weapon said something like that..?
Two face on a coin.

Unknown said...

Einstein only informed the US government that the soviet used nuclear..not suggest to use nuclear

Anonymous said...

This article is related to your post. Might be helpful to analyze more about poverty and what causes it.

Anonymous said...

"500 people at the top of the world's pay scale possess the same total wealth as the 416,000,000 people at the bottom of the scale"

powerful thing to assure people, most of the time. although it could be just plain, dreadful, sometimes.

nice writing you have there lol*. i'm a bit disagree about the giving-penny-thing, but completely agree with the smile-and-hug thing.
there is always HOPE, indeed.

*as in.. lolita, and not in laughing out loud. :)

Yessi Pratiwi Surya Budhi said...

People have their own constitution to choose what they want to do, things to believed, and what best to their life.

[Hello lol, this is my first visit 2 ur page :) ]

Anonymous said...

Maaf sebelmnya karena belum bisa berbahasa inggris dengan aktif. Nama saya nara, fisika 2k3. salam kenal lolita

saya pikir menghapus kemiskinan bukanlah hal yang perlu kita lakukan walaupun kebanyakan orang mungkin ingin lepas darinya.

Kaya tidak selalu bahagia. Toh banyak orang kaya yang merasa gundah dan melampiaskannya dengan hal tidak perlu seperti berbelanja dengan tujuan hanya menghabiskan waktu dan uang. Mungkin saya bisa kasih rujukan buku "The Last Self Help", yang menceritakan berbagai keterasingan yang justru dirasakan masyarakat negara maju.

Pernah juga saya baca(entah di majalah mana) bahwa salah satu negara skandinavia (lupa yang mana, mungkin swedia) yang pendapatan perkapitanya paling tinggi di dunia dengan angka pengangguran paling rendah justru memiliki angka bunuh diri paling tinggi karena sudah tidak punya tujuan hidup lagi.

Pahami juga bahwa sebagian orang seperti seniman, filsuf dan ilmuwan ada yang lebih memilih hidup miskin karena kepemilikan bisa membuat terlena dan melupakan tujuan hidupnya.

Perhatikan juga kalau masyarakat kita sekarang memiliki kultur untuk lari dan tidak memahami arti tanggung jawab. Menjadi kaya dan berpendidikan artinya semakin besar tanggung jawab. dalam keadaan miskin dan bodoh kita tidak perlu bertanggung jawab. akibatnya masyarakat lebih suka menyalahkan keadaan dan memilih untuk merasa menjadi korban (walaupun memang) kemudian menuntut orang lain untuk mengubah keadaannya. Contohnya pengemis di depan Salman ITB, mengemis tapi sempat membeli make up atau manisan yang bukan merupakan kebutuhan pokoknya.

Bukan tidak setuju juga untuk memerangi kemiskinan tapi menurut saya pendidikan yang layaklah yang harus diterima setiap orang. Sehingga apapun pilihan hidup seseorang maka ia dapat menjalaninya dan mengatasi apapun hambatannya. Mungkin hal ini kamu yang lebih paham karena saya baru memfokuskan diri pada pendidikan (terus ngapain ditulis lagi?? tiba2 ga tau mau nulis apa, hehehe)

Segitu dulu ya, biaya internet mahal nih, ini nge-net di luar kampus